Do you need more help to achieve your goals? Let us know where do feel stuck and we'll find the best tools to advance. We'll accompany you on your journey providing sufficient clarity, security and confidence. Book our package of 5 individual sessions together with our star team of coaches, mentors and consultants. Of course, the agenda will be adjusted according to your needs and preferences. BOOK free session NOW

10-weeks BOOTCAMP Conscious Founders
From MARCH 11th, 2025 to MAY 14th, 2025. 10-weeks virtual Program. Join our supporting community of change-makers during your entrepreneurial journey. We'll be working together to boost your project while sharing our expertise, passion and vision. Let's grow and inspire others. REGISTER NOW

Choose the most convenient day and time to have your first FREE 30-minute individual session in English, Spanish, German, Czech, or French. Tell us what your concerns are, so we can find the best solution together. We can help you to identify your needs to improve your physical, mental and emotional state. BOOK NOW

MAY 16-18, 2025, BARCELONA, Spain, Sailing RETREAT
As every year, we'll meet for 3-DAYS NETWORK & FUN experience while sailing together. Connect with like-minded change makers of all age on Friday MAY 16th, 2025 and create transparent and safe space among visionaries. Where: Barcelona's Port Olimpic harbour, we'll set our sails and expand our horizons in genuine environment. Together we aid to foster excellent and professional community where support, knowledge exchange and transparency are welcome. GROUP: Max 8 people. Would you like to be wrapped by our nourishing community? REGISTER NOW

AUGUST 21, 2025, BARCELONA, Spain, NETWORK & FUN Sailing
As every year, we'll meet for 1-DAY Network & Fun experience while sailing together. Connect with like-minded change makers of all age on Thursday AUGUST 21, 2025, in Barcelona, SPAIN, and create transparent and safe space among visionaries. Where: Barcelona's Port Olimpic harbour, we'll set our sails and expand our horizons in genuine environment. Together we aid to foster excellent and professional community where support, knowledge exchange and transparency are welcome. GROUP: Max 10 people. Would you like to be wrapped by our nourishing community? REGISTER HERE

Placeres escondidos es un libro que invita a sumergirse en lo desconocido, cuestionar lo establecido y dejarse seducir por el poder de la mente y el deseo. Emprende un viaje literario fascinante a través de trece relatos que deslumbran por su intensidad y profundidad. En sus páginas, una mujer rebelde y curiosa desafía las fronteras del amor, la ciencia, la filosofía y la sensualidad, explorando las complejidades del ser humano con una mirada única. Desde los misterios de la física cuántica hasta las emociones más puras y eróticas, cada historia es un reflejo de su espíritu inconformista.